It is with a grateful heart and in thanksgiving to our Lord and Savior, that we humbly nominate Barb Poston for the Good Samaritan Award 2024. Barb has been a faithful member of Our Savior for the past 54 years and at 86 years young, she is so vitally active in many of Our Savior’s ministries, both to our congregation and our community. Barb serves on our Human Care Board which works to alleviate some of the many physical needs within the St Petersburg community. During the summer months, the ministry is busy collecting essential items to make 200 backpacks for needy students at different area public schools. In the fall of each year, they collect food items for 200 Thanksgiving Bags for those same schools or anyone else who might need one. The Board of Human Care also financially helps support the Pack a Sack program. Within the Our Savior congregation, the board sponsors the Poinsettia plants for the homebound members at Christmas. Barb also is an active member of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League and Our Savior’s Altar Guild. Barb also makes the Confirmation banners each year and last year she fixed Pastor Futch’s lederhosen. We rejoice to nominate Barb as she is truly worthy and embodies a “Good Samaritan.